Miami University - Farmer School of Business
Oxford, Ohio
The new School of Business at Miami University is the first LEED building on campus. With
a goal for Silver status, the lighting design necessitated high efficiency luminaires tied into
automated lighting control systems while maintaining the architectural integrity of a traditionally
designed building.
To meet the specialized needs A/V intensive classrooms the lighting design utilizes digitally
addressable ballasts and incorporates motorized shading systems providing sun as well as
black out shades. The classrooms also included daylight sensors in conjunction with dimming
ballasts for lowered power consumption to take advantage of available daylight contribution.
The lighting power densities were targeted at 20 percent less than ASHRAE 90.1 and were still
able to meet the IESNA Recommended Practice footcandle levels.
The project included two high-end auditoriums that incorporated full scale dimming and the use
of custom high performance decorative luminaires to meet the architectural aesthetics of the space.
Similar high performance decorative luminaires were used throughout the building with additional
daylight harvesting controls. A light pipe system was concealed within the main Atrium’s skylight to
create the effect that all light was natural and provided thru the skylight.
The use of new and innovative technology allowed the project to meet the needs of the space
and be highly energy efficient while aesthetically unifying the architectural design.
Click here to visit the Photo Gallery.
Photo Credits for this projet: Scott Pease