Tec Inc. Plays in SMPS Columbus Golf Outing

The SMPS Columbus Golf Outing on Monday, August 8th was a great success. Tec was a corporate sponsor, providing us the opportunity to play with "celebrity" golfer, Keith Russell - System Director, Real Estate Finance at OhioHealth. Our team consisted of Terry Kilbourne, Tim Pool, Adam Kilbourne and special guest Holly Bolton from CE Solutions, Inc. in Indiana.
Team TecOur team didn't play all that well, but we really enjoyed the day. Wedgewood Country Club is a fantastic golf course, and the weather was great. We had our share of excellent shots, but unfortunately had a larger share of not so excellent shots.
The SMPS Columbus Golf Outing raises money to donate to charity. This year the donation will go to Kids 'n Kamp, A Lifeline of Support for Families Touched by Childhood Cancer.
Tec is proud to support this event and looks forward to next year.