Going Hollywood!

Two of our projects have recently made it into some Hollywood blockbuster films and we couldn’t be more proud! If you have an opportunity to watch the new Avengers film (which was fantastic!), make sure to check out the scene where Loki arrives in “Germany”. He enters a fancy party in large granite columned building. The minute I saw him stride across the balcony, I immediately recognized the mural we lit at the Cuyahoga County Courthouse in downtown Cleveland. He turns down the stone staircase and enters the large Atrium, I was so excited to see the torchiere fixtures we had restored I was practically jumping off the sofa, yelling to my husband and son, “that’s our project, that’s the courthouse!” Clearly it’s a good thing I did not see this in the theatre on the big screen.
Project Profile: http://www.tecinc1.com/ccc/
Avengers - Loki in Cuyahoga County Courthouse
Avengers filming at Cuyahoga County Courthouse
Much to my surprise as well, was learning that several scenes from the George Clooney/Ryan Gosling film “Ides of March” were shot at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University. The Commons area in this image is featured is the film. And again, we are thrilled to have our work show up and hopefully add to the story. Thanks Hollywood- call us anytime!
Project Profile: http://www.tecinc1.com/miami/
Ides of March filming at Miami University Farmers School of Business