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Taylor, The New Intern

Taylor working in the archivesMy name is Taylor and I am a recent addition to the Tec Inc. office. I am currently a junior at Bowling Green State University, majoring in Nursing. Having said that, many people wonder what I am doing in a building full of mechanical/electrical engineers and designers. Well, I kind of just fell into this job with no idea of what I was getting myself into and I am very thankful for this opportunity. My first day here I was so nervous for no reason because it turned out that everyone was very friendly, welcoming and patient with me. Thank you so much, by the way!

Before this, I had no experience working in an office setting and barely even understood what HVAC meant or all the work that goes into it. I have never even thought to look up at the lighting in a restaurant or wonder why the toilets aren’t working in a building, but I have been here for 2 weeks and I have already learned a lot from the basics on a computer (copying and pasting warning labels) to the meaning of LEED certification. You’d also be surprised what kind of other things you can learn in an hour lunch with a bunch of engineers.

In all, I have enjoyed my time here very much so far. Although I am leaving for school in 2 weeks, I definitely plan on coming back for the Holidays and help try to get this place organized! ;)

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