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Kayla | New Office Intern

Hello, I am Kayla, a junior in high school and I recently started working at Tec Inc. on January 7th 2013. So far I have been working for about 2 weeks and, my experience here has been wonderful. The staff is very welcoming and friendly, and I feel comfortable working here.  The work I have been doing so far has been typical office work, such as filing, archiving, typing, etc.  They do not over whelm me with work, they give me small portions at a time and allow me to take my time and not rush.  The hours are perfect for my schedule, and they are very flexible with changing my schedule at any time.

This job is sort of what I expected going into it, an ordinary office job.  I would much rather work here than in retail or fast food, so I am very content working at Tec Inc. I do not have to wear a uniform, which I am very happy about. I am able to be myself and feel comfortable asking any one for help or talking to anyone in general. I enjoy working here and I hope to continue to work here up until I graduate from high school.